Organically grown Banana Robusta (Delivered in Semi Ripe Condition)

Organically grown Banana Robusta (Delivered in Semi Ripe Condition)


"Robusta Banana when ripe has a thick characteristic yellow peel that encases an ivory cream-colored, semi-starchy flesh. These bananas are naturally ripened without use of chemicals, resulting in delicious and healthy fruit. This fruit is sweet and has a pleasant scent.  Robusta banana is primarily grown in Tamilnadu and Karnataka.Prebiotics and fiber are abundant in Robusta bananas, this helps digestion and reduce constipation. Potassium and magnesium are abundant in these fruits and thus help in lowering blood pressure.It reduces appetite and promotes weight loss, while also boosting the immune system due to the presence of Vitamin C and B6.Slice them onto pancakes, blend into smoothies or add them to fruit salads. Heat brings out the creamy sweetness of the bananas. Try baking or sauteing them with butter and sugar for a delicious dessert."